Hello everyone,
I have excellent news. As of today, we have surpassed a milestone in paid registrations which puts us past 1/3'rd of the way to being sold-out (and it's not even April yet). We also have 60% of our leadership team in place and ready to go with many more committments to report in the coming days.
*** UPDATE: Recruited!
Our two biggest needs to date are the Administration Recruiting Coordinator and the Logistics Recruiting Coordinator.
*** UPDATED: Saturday March 31
We still do not know about the needs for the retail piece, but hope to know soon. It appears that we will be fully recruited for all leadership positions by the time Larry Whittlesey returns on April 19'th for our Leadership Training; we also may be well on our way to having most of the supervisory positions recruited by then as well.
There was a great time of worship as we welcomed the Holy Spirit's presence with "Here I Am To Worship", "How Great Is Our God" and "How Great Thou Art". Indeed.
After the introductions and worship:
Dave led the prayer time as men gathered in groups of three for the following:
SPEAKERS: Reggie Dabbs, Brad Stine, Bob Cornuke, Adrian Despres, Joseph Garlington, Larry Jackson
NATIONAL STAFF MEMBERS: Larry Whittlesey, Chuck Schneider, Mike Harmon, Tom Fortson
OUR WITNESS IN THE COMMUNITY (receptiveness from churches and men's ministry leaders)
SPOUSES AND CHILDREN OF OUR TEAM (Protection, Sacrifice of Time, Putting on Christ)
VACANCIES IN THE VOLUNTEER TEAM (Administrative Recruiting Coordinator/Logistics Recruiting Coordinator)
SERVANT ATTITUDES FOR ALL (Let there be no egos among us)
UNITY IN THE VOLUNTEER TEAM (May we be faithful to John 17)
GOD'S DIRECTION IN OUR PLANNING (Order our steps and direct our paths)
Tim provided the Volunteer Overview:
Volunteers can register online 2007 Volunteer Registration Form and view the job-descriptions at the PK Website.
Keith covered the Administration Group:
... Volunteer data updates will be provided on a weekly basis to the leaders; status and needs will be posted on this blog to assist in your recruitment efforts. It's important to provide Keith with up to date and accurate Information!
Scott covered the Logistics Group:
... if it can be stacked and packed, it's logistics! Also the scope besides facilities include Special Needs, Transportation, Exhibits, Pipe & Drape, Language Teams, Radio and Headquarters, Ushers and The PK All-Start Team (packets, gate monitors, etc.)
Ingram covered the Community Group:
... which includes a Pastor Relations Coordinator to reach ministers and pastors, the Prayer Team (led by Dave), the Media Team, Marketing and the Food Drive emphasis.
Rick covered the Ambassador Group:
What is an Ambassador? This is a Godly man who is willing to work with a few churches in his area to serve and assist the local church and help resource the Men’s Ministry of their church, and help to connect with PK.
More info on being an Ambassador for PK here!
Keith covered the Volunteer & Leadership Forms:
(The Volunteer Leadership Agreement Form requires your signature and your spouse's signature (if married). Please review it, complete where indicated, and mail the original Attn: Tim to the address on the form.)
There are leadership positions still open in the Administration, Logistics, Community and the Ambassador Groups and key supervisory personnel for those teams that already have leadership in place.
The Ambassador Group captains are in place (EV Team is fully recruited), with concentration needed on the Ambassador Booth Team role.
Note: encourage the guys who aren't Ambassadors to attend the Ambassador Rally and Training on June 1-2 at The People's Church. There are also numerous supervisory positions for Ambassadors in other areas. It's worth noting too that 8 of our 20 team leaders are current Ambassadors.
Note that there is a volunteer hotline number (615-319-7150) displayed prominently on the sidebar to the right. For volunteers, there is an area in the sidebar with the name of each leader (& the team they lead) where volunteers can click on it and generate an out-going e-mail to that leader for questions. The leader will respond or delegate the questions to the appropriate captain for the precise information needed!
Last, pray that God would raise up the right people to lead our teams and for the leadership of Promise Keepers and the planning process going forward.
It is truly an honor and a privilege to serve with each one of you!
By His grace,
Tim Richards
Assistant Event Director & Volunteer Staff Representative
Promise Keepers Nashville 2007
Mobile (615) 319-7150 Home (615) 302-3606
E-mail at PKNashville2007@aol.com
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