Thursday, March 8, 2007

Facts and Realities

FACT: Promise Keepers has reached over 5 million men since 1990 with 89% ministry recognition among evangelicals.

FACT: There are currently over 40 million men yet to hear the PK message and there are over 22 million boys in the "Y" generation.

There are now over 80 men's ministries nationwide

In Sunday Services: 61% female, 39% male

90% of young men being raised in church will leave

90% of men say they believe in God

83% of men call themselves Christians

Only 33% of men attend church

Few churches are able to establish or maintain a vibrant men's ministry

Men want to meet in:
- Bible studies once per week
- Local communities four times a year
- National conferences once a year

If the man in the house is a Christian, there is a 93% chance the rest of the family will become Christians

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And unfortunately alot of those men are not going to be reached without an event in the northeast this year.