Saturday, May 5, 2007

There Is A "Flood'' Coming !

Editor's note: This email came in and it was appropriate for edification and encouragement, particulary from the heart of a woman volunteering for the conference... permission granted to reproduce in part...

Greetings Friends,

Well it's almost here and my, how the excitement is building in the wake of The "Flood" that is about to hit Nashville and this is a flood that we are looking forward to. I can sense a stirring in my spirit already as we are preparing for this conference. If it is like it has been in years past, then get ready because lives will be turned upside down and inside out for the cause of Christ for the sake of the call.

As I said earlier, God has been dealing with me on some things as of late to get me prepared for what is coming so I have determined in my heart to realign myself with the Word and take my rightful position in Christ.

I think back to a message that was preached at our Campmeeting last year about positioning yourself in Christ and that is so important that we make sure that we are in the position to be used of the Lord when called upon.

I know we have all been extremely busy diligently working in our prospective positions but the Word says "Be not weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we do not faint!"

The labor that we go through is worth it if just one soul comes into the Kingdom.

If you are not already involved in the [Nashville Promise Keepers] Conference I spoke of earlier why not consider coming out and being a part of this gathering ?

It will take place at the Nashville Arena on July 20th and 21st. Could use some extra help on the evening of the 19th if you can to help get things set up and ready to go for opening day.

God bless you for all that you do !



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