Saturday, May 19, 2007

Christian Men Plan October Rally in Washington

By Nathan Burchfiel Staff Writer
May 18, 2007

( - Christian organizers on Thursday announced plans for a "sacred gathering of men" in Washington, D.C., in October, almost 10 years to the day after the group Promise Keepers conducted one of the largest rallies in the city's history.

Organizers say the 2007 "Stand in the Gap" (SITG) rally will differ from the 1997 gathering of the same name sponsored by the non-denominational Promise Keepers. The 2007 event, sponsored by the National Coalition of Men's Ministries is expected to attract about a fourth of the crowd that gathered in 1997 and will focus on "interactive elements" rather than Christian speakers and bands.

Although Promise Keepers is not officially involved in organizing or sponsoring the event, several of the coordinators have ties to it.

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