Hello everyone,
It is and honor and a privilege to serve with you as we labor together on behalf of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at this year’s Promise Keepers Conference in Nashville. Words cannot describe how excited and blessed I am to be journeying with you over the next twenty weeks as we lay the groundwork in preparation for the miracle that God is doing in the lives of the men and families in our community. In spite of the storms, many of you were in attendance for our vision casting meeting back on March 1'st.
As we speak, our God is already moving in the hearts of the men He’s drawing near. Our role is simply to create and sustain the best possible conditions through this event for the Holy Spirit to do His work. For those who freely accept Christ gift of grace at Promise Keepers Nashville, their lives and the lives of their families will forever be changed. Marriages and families will be restored, wounds will be healed, and mighty warriors will be gained for the cause of Christ. For many men, it will be an opportunity to make a fresh start, to recommit and refocus to live true to their calling and to reengage in the battle. For still others, the conference will provide a much needed dose of refreshment and encouragement to stay in the battle.
As your local event director, my desire is to cover you and your efforts in prayer, to be a source of aid and encouragement to you, and to provide you with the information and the tools necessary to assist you in your role. My role is to serve you to optimize the effectiveness and results of your work. Many of you served with us in 2005 and recall the awesome move of God that took place. For others, this will be your first time with us to experience the blessing. I look forward to getting to know each of you better, to hear your story, and to be energized by our shared commitment to this awesome ministry.
Everyone, I can’t emphasize enough how important prayer and personal worship time with the Lord will be in sustaining you in the days leading up to the conference. Simply put, we cannot succeed without it. If we labor yet do not grow in our spiritual walk as a result of this shared experience, then we will have truly missed out on God’s best for us.
Our next volunteer leadership team meeting will be held Thursday, March 29'th at 6:30 PM at Lee Company in Cool Springs. MapQuest
At this meeting, we will assemble to worship, pray, and review the job descriptions for each of the leaders of the conference teams. Be in prayer now for where the Lord would have you serve.
You will note the link on the blog to sign up as a volunteer so we can capture your contact information to get you into the database. This blog will be the definitive source for volunteer information and updates for our conference:
Please bookmark: www.PKNashville.blogspot.com
Please direct anyone you know that may have an interest in serving to contact us at our e-mail address: PKNashville2007@aol.com
Don't forget that the early registration deadline for the special $59 admission ends on March 15'th so let the men's ministry leaders in your churches know to save $20/man, they need to order by Thursday.
Let the adventure begin!
Tim Richards
Assistant Event Director & Volunteer Staff Representative
Promise Keepers Nashville 2007
Mobile (615) 319-7150 Home (615) 302-3606
E-mail at PKNashville2007@aol.com
Thursday March 29, 2007
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Training Room
331 Mallory Station Road, Franklin, TN 37067
Cool Springs area
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